Lacey Wismer, HBS Entrepreneurship Through Acquisition Conference
Our Approach

Authentic and committed partnerships.

We endeavor to partner with entrepreneurs who are passionate about the ETA journey, who are thoughtful and intentional about their entrepreneurial path, and who are ready to work as hard as we are to find the optimal company for them to buy – one that sparks an entrepreneurial fire in them and will foster their growth and success as a CEO.


Personal Mentorship

We are true thought partners and mentors throughout the ETA journey, drawing from our extensive experience serving on boards across a broad range of industries.

Deep relationships form the foundation of our partnerships. These begin well before we formalize our partnerships and endure long after. We invest meaningful and regular time with our entrepreneurs throughout their journeys.


Tailored Support

We understand that every ETA journey is different, and we tailor our engagement and support accordingly. We provide resources along the entire journey, from search fund launch to closing an acquisition to post-acquisition board work and value creation acceleration.

How we support each entrepreneur varies depending on individual strengths and needs and where we identify that we can be the most additive to the process.


Relevant Expertise

We are resource hubs, opening our networks and making industry-specific and value-add introductions. We also have a group of talented Board Advisors with deep experience across a range of industries to further support our CEOs.


Flexible Capital

We support entrepreneurs pursuing a range of ETA paths, from traditional search funds to multi-acquisition strategies and holding companies, to those who want a single, committed investor partner.

Explore our Portfolio Companies to see the range of investments we've made.

Portfolio Companies

Grow with us.

Whether you’re an entrepreneur, investor, or business owner, we want to hear from you!

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